What is Primary Data Type?

1. Void

Used to specify empty set containing no values.
Storage Space: 0 byte.
Format: (void).
Range of values: ______.

2. Character (Denoted as “char” in C programming language)

A character denotes any alphabet, digit or special symbol used to represent in formation and it is used to store a single character.
Storage space: 1 byte
Format: %c
Range of Values: ASCII Character Set.

3. Integer (Denoted as “int” in C programming language)

Integer type is used to store positive and negative integer.
Storage space: 2 bytes.
Format: %d
Range of values: -32768 to +32767.

4. Float

It is used to store real number, with single precision floating point number (precision of 6 digits after decimal points.)
Storage space: 4 bytes.
Format: %f
Range of values: -3.4*1038 to +3.4*1038.

5. Double

It stores real numbers with double precision. The use of double doesn’t guarantee to double the number of significant digits in our result, but it improves the accuracy of the arithmetic and reduces the accumulation of rounding errors.
Storage Space: 8 bytes.
Format: %ld
Range of values: -1.7*10308 to +1.7*10308.