How to write a Program to Reverse a String in C Programming Tutorial?

Following is the program to Reverse a String using for loop.

void main()
   int i, j, k;
   char str[100];
   char rev[100];
   printf("Enter a string\t");
   scanf("%s", str);
   printf("The original string is %s", str);
   for(i = 0; str[i] != '
void main()
int i, j, k;
char str[100];
char rev[100];
printf("Enter a string\t");
scanf("%s", str);
printf("The original string is %s", str);
for(i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++);
k = i-1;
for(j = 0; j <= i-1; j++)
rev[j] = str[k];
printf("The reverse string is %s", rev);
'; i++); { k = i-1; } for(j = 0; j <= i-1; j++) { rev[j] = str[k]; k--; } printf("The reverse string is %s", rev); getch(); }


Enter a string  csitquestions
The original string is csitquestions
The reverse string is snoitseuqtics

Program to Reverse a String using Recursion

Now let’s reverse a string using recursion.

char* reverse(char* str);

void main()
   int i, j, k;
   char str[100];
   char *rev;
   printf("Enter a string\t");
   scanf("%s", str);
   printf("The original string is %s", str);
   rev = reverse(str);
   printf("The reverse string is %s", rev);

char* reverse(char *str)
   static int i=0;
   static char rev[100];
      rev[i++] = *str;
  return rev;


Enter a string  csitquestions
The original string is csitquestions
The reverse string is snoitseuqtics
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