Block Tags

Tag Description
<acronym> Defines an acronym
<abbr> Defines an abbreviation
<address> Defines an address element
<blockquote> Defines an long quotation
<center> Defines centered text
<q> Defines a short quotation
<cite> Defines a citation
<ins> Defines inserted text
<del> Defines deleted text
<s> Defines strikethrough text
<strike> Defines strikethrough text
The tag defines the start of an acronym, like “WWW” and “C.B.I.”. By marking up acronyms you can give useful information to browsers, spell checkers, translation systems and search-engine indexers.
The title attribute can be used to show the full version of the expression when you are holding the mouse over the acronym(text).
<acronym title=”text_to_display_when_mouse_over_the_text”>..text..</acronym>
Indicates an abbreviated form, like “Inc.”, “etc.”. By marking up abbreviations you can give useful information to browsers, spell checkers, translation systems and search-engine indexers.
In some browsers the title attribute can be used to show the full version of the expression when you are holding the mouse over the abbreviation.
<abbr title=”text_to_display_when_mouse_over_the_text”>..text..</abbr>
<address> ..address..</address>
The <address> tag defines the start of an address. You should use it to define addresses, signatures, or authorships of documents. The address usually renders in italic. Most browsers will add a line break before and after the address element, but line breaks inside the text you have to insert yourself.
Format with Example:
Donald Duck<br />
Box 555<br />

Donald Duck
Box 555

The <blockquote> tag defines the start of a long quotation.
<p>here is a long quotation</p>
This tag Centers its enclosed text horizontally.
<center>… text …….</center>
<q> small text</q>
The <q> tag defines the start of a short quotation.
<q> small text</q>
This tag defines the citation.
<cite> text </cite>
This tag provide the facility of inserting the text in between the text.
<ins> text </ins>
Defines text that has been deleted in a document.
The <s> and <strike> tags defines strikethrough text.
<s> text </s> or <strike> text</strike>
Examples of Block tags
Examples Outputs
<blockquote><p>here is a long quotation </p></blockquote> here is a long quotation
<q>here is a short quotation </q> “here is a short quotation”
<center>Center this text</center> Center this text
a dozen is <del>20</del>pieces! a dozen is 20 pieces!
a dozen is <ins>12</ins>pieces! a dozen is 12 pieces!
<cite>Citation</cite> Citation
A version is <s>not available.</s> now available! A version is not available. now available!
A version is <strike>not available.</strike> ok! A version is not available. ok!
Now you have learned the Output Tags, so now lets do some practical.
Just write/copy this example on any text editor new file and save the file and open in the browser and see how it looks.
<title>Block Tags</title>
<br><b> center tag </b>
<center>Center this text</center>
<b> acronym tag </b>
<acronym title=”World Wide Web”>WWW</acronym><br>
<b> abbr tag </b>
<abbr title=”hypertext markup language”> HTML</abbr><br>
<b> blockquote tag </b>
<blockquote>here is a long quotation here is a long quotation</blockquote>
<b> del tag </b>
a dozen is <del>20</del> pieces!<br>
<b> ins tag </b>
a dozen is <ins>12</ins> pieces!<br>
<b> s tag </b>
A new version is <s>not yet available.</s> now available!
<b> strike tag </b><br>
A new version is <strike>not yet available.</strike> now available!