String Objects In JavaScript

A string is a group of Characters .
M -> is a Character
Moral -> is a group of Characters or contains 5
Characters or is a string.
A string is an Object
A string is an object in Javascript , an object have properties and methods or functions, so a string is having property and methods in javascript.
String property
Length – property returns the no of characters present in string.
String Methods
bold() – returns the string formatting to bold.
italics() – returns the string formatting italics.
charAt() – returns the character present in string at given position.
substring() – returns the characters present from given start position to given end position.
toLowerCase() – returns the string converted to lowercase letters.
toUpperCase() – returns the string converted to uppercase letters.
Length  is a property of sring object, using which we can know the number of characters in a string.
Example 1:



                        var a=”Hindustan”

                        document.write(“Length of Variable a is “+a.length);



Output will be:
Length of Variable a is 9
Example 2:



                        var name=”Manmohan Singh”

                        document.write(“Length of Variable a is “+name.length);



Output will be:
Length of Variable a is 14
String Methods –  bold()
Example 1:



            var a=”Uttar Pradesh”

            document.write(“The Value of Variable a is “+a.bold());



Output will be :
The Value of Variable a is Uttar Pradesh
Example 2:



            var state=”Bihar”

            document.write(“State : “+state.bold());



Output will be:
State : Bihar
String Methods – charAt()
Example 1:



            var state=”Bihar”

            document.write(“<br>character at 0th position is : “+state.charAt(0));

            document.write(“<br>character at 1st position is : “+state.charAt(1));

            document.write(“<br>character at 2nd position is : “+state.charAt(2));



Output will be :
character at 0th position is : B
character at 1st position is : i
character at 2nd position is : h
Exapmple 2:



            var state=”Bihar”


            document.write(“Character at 2nd position is  : “+state);



Output will be:
Character at 2nd position is : h
String Methods – italics()
Example 1:



var state=”Bihar”

document.write(“State : “+state.italics());



Example 2:



            var state=”Bihar”



            document.write(“State : “+state);



String Methods – toLowerCase()
Example 1:



            var state=”HIMANCHAL PRADESH”


            document.write(“State  : “+state);



Output will be:
State : himanchal pradesh
Example 2:



            var state=”HIMANCHAL PRADESH”


            document.write(“State  : “+state);



Output will be :
State : himanchal Pradesh
String Methods – toUpperCase()
Example 1:



            var state=”uttranchal”


            document.write(“State  : “+state);



Example 2:



var state=”uttranchal”


document.write(“State  : “+state);



output will be:
String Methods – substring()
Example 1:



            var state=”Bihar”


            document.write(“Characters from 0th to 2nd position are  : “+state);



Output will be:
Characters from 0th to 2nd position are : Bih
Example 2:



            var state=”Bihar”


            document.write(“Characters from 0th to 2nd position are  : “+state);



Output will be:
Characters from 0th to 2nd position are : Bih