Creating and Executing JDBC Statements

Creating and Executing JDBC Statements

We need to create a Statement object to send request and retrieve result from a database. The Connection object provide the createStatement ( ) method to create a Statement object.
We can use the following code to create a Statement object:
Connection con =DriverManager.getConnection
(“jdbc:odbc:MyDSN”, “NewUser”, “NewPassword”);
Statement stmt= con.createStatement ( );
We can use the static SQL statement to send request to a database.
Here we can use the send the SQL statement to a database using the Statement object.
The Statement interface contain the following methods to send static SQL statement to the database:—–
1. ResultSet executeQuery(String str):– It execute an SQL statement and returns a single object of the type, ResultSet.
The syntax to use the executeQuery ( ) method is :
Statement stmt = con.createStatement ( );
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(<SQL statement>);
2. int executeUpdate (String str):– It execute the SQL statements and returns the number of data rows that are affected after processing the SQL statement. The executeUpdate ( ) can be used when we need to INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE the data.
Statement stmt = con.createStatement ( );
ResultSet rs = stmt.execute(<SQL statement>);
3. Boolean execute(String str): This method execute an SQL statement and return a Boolean
Statement stmt = con.createStatement ( );
stmt.execute(<SQL statement>);