Running the automated test

When you run the test script in win runner, it displays the result.
To run the automated test plan, follow the steps given below:
    • Select the run tests tab from the test director window.
    • Select “test set builder” from the run menu.
      Run>Test set builder.
    • When you select the “test set builder” option, it displays the dialog box. By default the “test set information” is set to “default”. If not, select the “default” from the combo box and select the category as subject.
    • Select the “DB trans” folder and explore it. It will display the test plans that are created under the category.
    • Select the test plan that is to be executed.
    • Click the Close button to close the test set builder.
    • The name of selected test in the test set builder dialog will be displayed in test director window.
    • Select the add employer test and click the automated button from the run tests. It will display the run scheduler dialog.
    • Select the “Add Employer” test and click arrow button to run the selected test.
    • Once the execution of the test plan is completed, Test Director displays the result. If it is successful, then “passed” is displayed in green color in the “status” column. If the test fails, then “failed” is displayed in red color in status column.
    • Generating test run reports.
      • Select the “Run Tests” tab.
      • Select the “standard” option from the “report” menu
      • It displays a dialog box prompting you to select the type of information for which the report has to be generated and the format of the report. Click the “

complete information

      • ” button and select the layout as “


      • ”. Click


    •  button to view the report.
Tracking defects
It is very important to track the defects in the application so that they can be rectified to make the application more effective. You need to first identify the defects, identify the effects of the defect on the application and report the details of the defect to the developer so that he can rectify it as soon as possible.
To identify the defects in the application, follow the steps given below:
    1. Select the “test defects” tab in the application.
    2. Click the Add button to add a new defect.
    3. The “new defect” dialog appears prompting you to enter the details of the detected defect.

Enter the following details.

      • Summary: Brief description of the defect.
      • Detected by: The name of the user who detected the defect.
      • Detected on: The date on which the defect was detected.
      • Assigned to: The name of the person to whom the job has been assigned.
      • Status: The status of the defect.
      • Project: The name of the project in which the defect has been detected.
      • Severity: the degree to which it affects the application.
      • Priority: Indicator of the importance of the defect. Whether the defect has to be repaired immediately or whether the repair can be postponed.
      • Enter or select the details of the defect. Click


      •  button to create the defect. Once the defect is created successfully it will display message “

added successfully

      • ”.
      • Click


      •  button.
    1. When you click the ok button, it adds the newly created defect to the “defect list” in the Test Director dialog.
    2. To view/ modify the details of defect, select the defect and click the details button. The defect details dialog box appears. Change the required properties of defect.
    3. Mail the defect to project team member.
      • Select the defect.
      • Click the mail button.
      • The compose dialog box is displayed.
      • Select the name of the user to whom the defect has to be mailed. Click


      •  button to send the mail.
    1. Report generation.
      To generate the report:

      • Select the track defect tab, if not selected.
      • Select the defect for which the report has to be generated.
      • Select the standard option from the report menu.
      • The dialog box will be displayed.
      • Click the complete information button and select the layout as portrait.
      • Click the filter button to select the defects based on particular condition.
      • Click ok button to see the generated report.
    2. Defect tracking with the help of progress chart.
      • Select the defect.
      • Select the defect progress graph from the analysis menu.
        Analysis>defect progress graph.
      • The defect progress graph is displayed.
      • This graph is displays the progress of the graph from the day it was created till today.
    1. Defect tracking with the help of summary graph.
      • Select the defect.
      • Select defect summary graph from the analysis menu.
      • The graph will be displayed.
      • The

X axis

      •  represents the person to whom the defect has been assigned. The

Y axis

    • represents the no. of defects.